Explore our custom plans



Signature Plan
  • GET DNAbled Blueprint
  • Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Personalized Health
    & Wellness Reports
  • 1-Year Secure Patient Portal Storage

$2500 down payment.
$2500 at final appointment.


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Enhanced Plan
  • GET DNAbled Blueprint
  • Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Personalized Health
    & Wellness Reports
  • 1-Year Secure Patient Portal Storage
  • +
  • Epigenetic Mapping
  • Hormone Testing
  • Micronutrient Testing
  • Microbiome Testing
  • Food/Inhalants Sensitivity Testing
  • Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment
  • Phlebotomist at Location of Choice

$3700 down payment.
$3700 at final appointment.


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Ultimate Plan
  • GET DNAbled Blueprint
  • Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Personalized Health
    & Wellness Reports
  • 1-Year Secure Patient Portal Storage
  • +
  • Epigenetic Mapping
  • Hormone Testing
  • Micronutrient Testing
  • Microbiome Testing
  • Food/Inhalants Sensitivity Testing
  • Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment
  • Phlebotomist at Location of Choice
  • +
  • Q Exam Noninvasive Whole-Body MRI
  • Q Exam Comprehensive Blood/Urine Chemistry & Biomarker Analysis

$5650 down payment.
$5650 at final appointment.


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  • GET DNAbled Blueprint
    A highly personalized health report that includes Dr. Stanford’s assessment and actionable recommendations based on the information obtained from your intake form, various lab tests and whole genome sequencing.
  • Whole Genome Sequencing
    A comprehensive DNA sequencing method that determines the entirety of your unique genetic sequences. This is all 6.4 billion letters (base-pairs) contained in your 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), with one chromosome of each pair inherited from each of your parents. Genomic information is instrumental in identifying genetic variants implicated in the inherited risk of disease, prediction of important biologic traits, along with information that can assist in promoting your personal longevity and healthspan. Sequencing 100% of your DNA produces 10,000 times more data than other DNA tests that do genotyping without genetic sequencing, such as 23andMe and AncestryDNA.
  • Personalized Health & Wellness Reports
    These reports include information on how your specific gene variants inform the following areas of your overall health profile: generalized health, inherited risk of cancer & heart disease, risk of elevated blood sugar, brain health, sleep, risk of nutrient & vitamin deficiency, response to exercise and injury risk, inflammatory and allergic reactions, mood, longevity, COVID-19 inherited risk of infection and risk of severe illness, and more.
  • 1-Year Secure Patient Portal Storage
    We keep your Whole Genome Sequence, GET DNAbled Blueprint, Personalized Health & Wellness Reports, and other lab results protected in our GET DNAbled Patient Portal within a secure HIPAA-compliant cloud solution. You will have sole ownership of your whole genome sequencing data as well as control over who can access your data and for what purpose it is used. Data storage for the first year is included in your purchase and is available for $4.99/month thereafter.

  • Epigenetic Mapping
    This test identifies chemical modifications to your DNA that occur throughout your life by virtue of environmental exposures. Some of these modifications are even inherited from environmental exposures your parents and grandparents may have had. These chemical modifications to your DNA come and go, activating and deactivating gene expression in response to nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and much more. Assessment of some of these markers can imply your biological age as opposed to your chronologic age. Positive changes in lifestyle are associated with changes in these epigenetic markers resulting in improvement of your biological age and reduction in risk of age-related diseases.
  • Hormone Testing
    This bloodspot test checks levels of sex hormones including estrogen, progesterone (female), testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH). It also measures thyroid hormones including free T3, free T4 and TSH. TPO antibodies are checked as well along with cortisol, DHEA-S and SHBG. Detections of abnormal patterns and levels of these hormones may lead to medical interventions in appropriate patients that can dramatically improve the quality of your life in terms of weight maintenance, sexual health and brain function.
  • Micronutrient Testing
    This comprehensive test is an assessment of levels of 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants and metabolites. These levels will be evaluated to identify any deficiencies. Actionable recommendations through supplementation will be given to help optimize levels and help you feel at your best. The objective here is to help improve immune function, and aid in prevention and mitigation of many chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, osteoporosis, fertility problems, weight management issues and even quality of sleep.
  • Microbiome Testing
    This test assesses the entire ecosystem of the human gastrointestinal system. There is a complex interplay between the microenvironment of the gut and other organ systems such as the brain, endocrine system and intestinal function itself. We measure hundreds of species of microbes including pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses, and parasites, alongside functional markers of digestion and inflammation. These test results aid us in detecting root causes of acute and chronic illness that stem from the gastrointestinal tract and correlate to specific disease states. This information is then used to guide specific recommendations that will improve gut health.
  • Food/Inhalants Sensitivity Testing
    These tests measure your sensitivities to 208 common foods and 50 inhaled environmental irritants. In combination with genetic insights, this testing can provide a wealth of information to inform choices about which foods and environmental factors may be avoided to reduce inflammation and the signs/symptoms associated with these sensitivities. These sensitivities can affect digestion, skin health, and breathing as well as many cellular processes. Systemic inflammation poses a significant threat to your overall health. We seek to reduce this threat and extend your personal healthspan, longevity and quality of life.
  • Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment
    Certain blood tests can help clinicians determine if their patients have intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Intestinal permeability has been suggested as a root cause of autoimmune diseases, systemic inflammation, and food sensitivities. When the gut barrier is weakened, a person is more vulnerable to food antigens, toxins, and unfriendly microbes which can lead to increased systemic inflammation and onset of autoimmune disease. Common causes of "leaky gut" are bacterial overgrowth, food sensitivities, antibiotics, PPI's, stress, food additives, NSAID's, and alcohol consumption. By addressing "leaky gut" and healing the GI lining, it is possible to decrease systemic inflammation that can aggravate chronic diseases such as cardiovascular atherosclerosis and dementia and help prevent the onset of autoimmune disease.

  • Q Exam Noninvasive Whole-Body MRI
    Our partner lab “Q” located in Silicon Valley will perform a whole-body MRI that includes high-resolution brain images with volumetric brain quantification, carotid angiography, dynamic cardiac imaging & evaluation, body composition, liver fat content and other visceral fat fraction.
  • Q Exam Comprehensive Blood/Urine Chemistry & Biomarker Analysis
    In addition to an MRI, “Q” will perform hundreds of blood and urine tests. These include complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, advanced lipid panel, cancer tumor markers, inflammatory markers, comprehensive hormone assessment, urinary tests including toxic element screening for heavy metals, along with many others.
  • + a la carte lab Mayo Clinic Pharmacogenomics
    This relatively new field combines pharmacology (the science of medications) and genomics (the study of genes and their functions) to inform, in advance, elements of safety and effectiveness of certain pharmaceuticals. Learn which blood thinners, antidepressants, antipsychotics, HIV drugs, ADHD drugs, opioids, and statins may work best for you given your unique genetic make-up.
  • + a la carte lab QUEST Blood & Urine Bundle
    Current lab work is a necessary component to analyzing your current state of health and creating your GET DNAbled Blueprint. If you need updated blood and urine lab work, we have created a Quest Lab bundle for a discounted fee that includes: complete blood count, cholesterol, HS-CRP, blood sugar, certain vitamins & minerals, thyroid, sex hormones, uric acid, homocysteine, and a urinalysis.